Social Networks & Christians : Politics Behind it That Have Me Displeased.

Social networks all together aren't really benefitting me too much lately. Maybe I use them too much but I've had it up to here with twitter and instagram. Facebook is not a problem for me because I usually only sign on once a day. Anyway, I feel as if these social networks keep me plugged into a world in which I should be having no business with. The Word reminds us that we are not of this world and how this world actually hates the righteous ways of the Lord so what am I doing?
Granted I use twitter as a ministry outlet but I've been on it so much lately that outside things/people/forces have been influencing me.
First of all I feel like so many people use twitter as their own glorification ministry, follow billion of people and have plenty of followers and tweet things only for retweets. I know so because some of them just recycle the same tweets over and over. Anyway, I'm glad I don't have many of followers because it is far too easy to find pleasure in your Godly tweets being retweeted. I had to start guarding my heart when I would get a couple of retweets because it can easily influence you to start tweeting to please the Godly Christian twitter community! It is seriously no joke out here. That's when pride and vanity comes in and that stuff disgusts God. You never want to be the one who is knocking and pleading on the owner's door and He says "I don't know you or where you come from" (Luke 13:25). Tweeting things for glory will cause you to be put to shame one way or another because it's not pleasing to our Father.
Secondly, I remember doing that #onehourearly challenge and posting pictures of my quiet time and summarizing what I've read. It was really fun sharing the word of God and being held accountable but there's always an area where you can start doing it to glorify yourself. The idea was great about spending time with God early but I just started feeling like it started taking a wrong turn. Even when I randomly post bible studies & what I've been studying, I feel weary and I don't like it anymore because 1) It's a very intimate time with God. I'm completely vulnerable with Him and in being in my prayer closet, there should be some type of privacy, 2) some people think that since I read and study the Bible I'm a good and perfect Christian. NO. I live by grace each and everyday and lastly, 3) Why am I posting this photo? Is it to glorify God and give people a Word even if they don't know Christ very well or at all but would still be able to receive their Daily bread? Is it to encourage believers and lead them to stir themselves up in the Spirit? Or is it to put out an image that I'm some glorious woman of God?
Social media doesn't do it for me anymore. I usually feel lead to write these blogposts and I usually don't write them unless it is indeed Spirit lead. Many believers (including I!) are getting caught up in the politics of being a Christian on social media and maintaining this Godly and holy image which isn't always true. Forget about the likes! Did God lead you to post that status? Did He lead you to post that scripture or are you just doing it because you think this is something that would please Him but make you look good as well?
I'm sick and tired of trying to measure up to an image that I realistically do not live up to. Do you know sometimes I lash out on my parents? Sometimes I think bad thoughts? Sometimes I eat whatever I want whenever because I'm succumbing to my flesh? I'm NOT PERFECT. I don't want to come off as if I'm perfect and social media makes it quite easy to do so seeing as how you post what you want others to see. Do you know yesterday I fell into gossip? I'm telling on myself to shame the devil because social media has made me feel like being transparent is cool and all but for the most part show your best side. My best side is Christ! My heart is so deceptive. The best part about me is the Holy Spirit that dwells within me. I'm sick and tired of trying to live up to such a standard and seeing those around me trying to do the same because it's all fake. Granted I'm not posting facebook statuses about the sins I'm struggling with because we still have to be wise and privacy runs to some extent but I'm making sure I'm having people hold me accountable and always checking in at least every morning and night with my Father making sure I'm walking in accordance to His will. Let us be real with one another, confess our sins to one another and pray for each other so that we may be healed just like James 5:16 says.
Be blessed, Love you all ♥


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