So yesterday I was invited onto a conference call entitled "Marriage, Dating & Breaking Ungodly Soul Ties." It was extremely informative and I would love to share everything I learned with you all :-)
                                  Types of Soul Ties
THREAD - easily broken, between an acquaintance or someone you see once in a while.
STRING - associate, friend
CABLE - intimate, family members, emotional & sexual connections.

- If a relationship is not ordained by God then it is best that you do no get emotionally connected.
  • no late night & long phone calls/texts
  • no sharing of intimate thoughts & extremely personal things that can lead to emotional ties
  • when you express interest in someone too quickly & haven't gotten the okay from God it can also lead to you emotionally connecting with the person
  • demonic spirits can be easily transferred through soul ties
 Wait on the Lord for Him to answer your prayers concerning a person before pursing a relationship with them. Not receiving an answer from God doesn't necessarily mean YES !
  • don't be led by your flesh, consult God !
Symptons of an Ungodly Soul Tie
- Obsessive preoccupation with the other person that you stop doing the things of the Lord
  • When you begin to abandon your ministry duties & put off your Quiet time with God to spend time with this person.
- Being domineering and controlling or being domineered and controlled and taking on a passive attitude
  • Even when this person is treating you badly, abusing you, etc, you take on a passive atitude and stay in the relationship.
  • You are domineering and controlling over the person, their whereabouts, what they're doing, etc.
- Can't seem to get away from them even when they aren't treating you well
  •  No matter how they treat you you still can't find it in yourself to get away from them (The Apostle explaining this made a statement about how some people find themselves waking up in the middle of the night and find themselves driving to the person's house without even noticing or knowing how they got there).
- Their voice plays over and over in your head
  • Things that they've said to you plays over and over in your head even when you're not with them and you feel you can't get them out of your mind. *been through this before! so so so unpleasant*
- Inability to bring the relationship under the Godly order and in control of the Holy Spirit
  • The person your soul is tied to doesn't believe in Jesus Christ
  • If they do, they refuse to bring the relationship in alignment with the Word of God


  • Repent and confess everything to God
  • Become accountable to others and set up SAFEGUARDS. Don't let this person back in or allow yourself to get into any other soul ties with anyone else
  • Break off any relationship unpleasing to God and keep this as a vow between you and God to leave these relationships behind
  • Before praying about the breaking of these soul ties, worship the Lord and set the atmosphere for the anointing of the Holy Spirit to be present. It is the Holy Spirit that breaks yokes & soul ties and it cannot be done without Him!
  • Throw away anything that the person has given to you.
Can you be friends with someone who you broke a soul tie with?
- Why would you want to be friends with them?
-Opens the door to backsliding into the soul tie again.

 What if my soul is tied to them and I have a child with them?
- Make sure you set up safeguards and guard yourself properly. We must remember that as children of God we must always love one another no matter what but we must use wisdom in all decisions.

Consequences of not breaking ungodly soul ties
- cannot move on to a new relationship successfully
-can have multiple soul ties & when it's time to marry the person God ordained for you, you won't be able to successful become one with them as the Word of God tells us (Genesis 2:24).

If your relationship is ordained by God why can't you have sex before marriage?
- Because the Bible says that sex outside of marriage is a sin against your own body (1 Cor 6:18), and warns against fornication and sexual immorality. Your relationship must honor God and sex is only meant for MARRIAGE. Not engagement, not boyfriend & girlfriend but a HOLY MATRIMONY. Amen?


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