Being Used By God.

This particular subject has been extremely prevalent during my entire week. Everywhere I turn, look, anything, it's been there so I take that as God leading me to blog about it.

Firstly, there are so many gospel songs out there that talk about surrendering all to God and being used by Him but do you understand what this really means? I'm not going to lie I would tell God to use me all the time and when the time came my flesh had other plans. We make it seem like being used by God will always be a pleasant thing when in reality that's not always the case.

On Thursday I wrote a status on Facebook about how the Lord was leading me to have one last Bible study that evening. When I tell you as soon as I posted the status I started having feelings of fear and anxiety. We all know that these two feelings are spirits not of God because God didn't give us the spirit of fear & timidity but of love and power and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). I've been doing Bible Study every other week since the beginning of the semester why in the world was I feeling fearful? SPIRITUAL WARFARE. I knew it off the bat and I started praying at the table I was sitting at in the library because  I noticed the severity of the situation. Ephesians 6:12 y'all need I remind you. This struggle truly isn't against flesh and blood so when this happened I knew it was spiritual. For it to be conquered I had to tap into the spiritual realm. I also texted some of my close sisters in Christ and asked for them to stand in the gap for me as well. When the time came to deliver the message I submitted to God and everything flowed perfectly. I tell you this story to say that regardless of what gets thrown at you, if you understand this 1: this battle is spiritual 2: it's the Lord's battle to fight so you surrender it to Him ; everything shall work for the good.

I allow myself to be used in regards to speaking on this topic of "Being Used by God" to explain that God gets the glory in it all but it's not always easy being used by Him. The devil gets angry and attacks you and God allows it because He is strengthening you and increasing your faith in Him. If I were to cancel the study due to anxiety, the word that the Lord placed in my heart would not have been spread and the devil would've had His way. I had to trust in God that the word He placed in me was truly from Him, I wasn't making any of this up (spirit of doubt attacks viciously too) and that when the time came He will use me and I won't fall victim to the spirit of fear or anxiety. I trusted Him and obeyed Him and He did the rest. When He uses you He makes it known that you are worthy of being used for His glory and that He will you use. Trust in Him.

When purposely wanting to be used by Christ make sure you

  • Let your desires of being used by Him are known in prayer, thanksgiving & supplication
  • Are constantly clearing your heart & mind by spending time in His Word daily
  • Trust and believe in His ability & that He will use you
  • KILL THAT FLESH!! (Psalm 73:26, James 1:12, Galatians 5:16, Galatians 2:20, Luke 9:23)
When things are done with the intention of getting glory for yourself it's bound to fail, bring you to shame, or both. Make sure you want to be used for all of the right reasons. Kill your flesh daily! The desires of the flesh and the spirit are contrary ( Galatians 5:17) so feed your spirit for it to grow and kill that flesh. When I tell you that your flesh will ruin your life and keep you away from what God has for you, I speak from experience(s) & what I remember my life to be about before I surrendered to Him. Also very important, make sure you are unapologetic about being obedient to God and aren't looking for the approval of man. You are bound to step on toes and offend others even if that's not your intention, when you are obeying Christ. Be ready to lose "friends", gain enemies and sometimes stand alone. Trust in God and in His ability to use you. Mentally prepare yourself against doubt and have the mindset that you will not be moved!!!! To God be the glory !

I love you all but Christ loves you more ♥


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