
On my second day into my time of consecration and the Lord wasted no time in wrecking my heart in this area. The other day I had some friends over and we got to talking and "catching up" as you may call it. I found myself talking about people and gossiping and even in the midst of it I found myself being convicted. I thought of it as catching up meanwhile I was speaking badly about people! I just didn't even know how to stop. It just dawned on me now that I'm writing this blogpost that "Hey Des, why don't you close your mouth as a means of stopping!" Like duhhhhhh lol. But when I tell you conviction starting hitting me full force, I couldn't even stand to sit here and talk about my love for the Lord because my actions were showing otherwise. After repenting and talking to God about it I made the conscious decision to start looking for books that can help me to break free from this area. Reading books and the Bible have been brought to my attention as being the foundation of this consecration. I also want to start fasting from social networks, GroupMe and other chats that I participate in that may not be centered around the Lord. Facebook is looking like a once a day type of thing, Twitter is only for Jesus (lol seriously all I do is tweet about Him) and Instagram I'm still thinking about it. I don't feel like it distracts me so I'm not worried about it.

Regardless, I already claim my freedom from the grips of gossip! The people I gossip about are still children of God and that's extremely offensive to our Father. How dare I? This reminds me that the first step before falling is becoming prideful. The root behind me gossiping is that I hold myself higher up against the others that I'm speaking about and I think that I'm living my life better than them. How ironic? What happened to being meek and humble? The last time I checked, Jesus was Jesus, savior of the entire World and He still spent time with tax collectors, prostitutes and drunkards. Who am I? What do I do? Did I lay down my life to bring others to true salvation? Definitely not!! I just thank God for shining His light in my dark area so that I can work on this area and become a way better person, friend, sister, daughter and servant of Christ. Instead of speaking badly of others I'd rather pray for them. Indoing so, the enemy can no longer use these people as instruments to lead me to sin. Wooooooo ! With transparency comes healing. Hope this reaches you wherever you are and if you happen to struggle in this same area feel free to reach out to me so we can get through this together! - Be Blessed, Love you All ♥


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