Overcoming Inadequacy Study & Discussion

Today in my 'Crowned With Purpose' groupme, one of our sisters decided that we will be going over the monthly Pinky Promise Study. It's entitled "Overcoming Inadequacy"
Some of the questions were if we have ever felt inadequate, how the enemy attacks us to feel inadequate and what the enemy is currently trying to steal, kill or destroy in our lives, and whether we have been having negative thoughts. We all freely shared our present struggles and uplifted one another. We reminded each other who we are in Christ and how there is nothing too hard for God. One of my sisters shared about how she's working on forgiving her ex boyfriend for all the hurt and pain he put her through. As I ministered to her it reminded me of the faithfulness of Christ and I just really wanted to share it with you all! :-)

I reminded my sister about how if she surrenders all the hurt and pain and negative thoughts about your ex boyfriend, how the Lord can truly heal her and make her refined and glorified through Him! My ex boyfriend is the driving force which brought me to Christ. Our relationship was short-lived but it was the worst, most toxic and sinful relationship I have and will ever have been in. When I tell my testimony, this is the same relationship which was the focal point in bringing me to the cross and leading me to surrender my life to Christ. Granted my testimony has brought me here but I want to remind you all to never settle for less of what God wants for you and to make wise decisions at all times. It is my testimony and it has molded me into who I am today but it was a self-inflicted testimony. I brought this testimony on to myself because of unwise decisions and foolish actions! The devil doesn't make you do anything, he just tempts you and presents situations before you that you can resist. However, I decided to "go with the flow" and it almost cost me my life. God being the faithful and loving Father that He is didn't allow it to happen and I thank Him with a billion kisses and shouts of praise, and by being obedient to His word (I Love you Father!!! You truly are the greatest!!). Well getting on to my point......
I reminded my sister to consistently pray for her ex boyfriend because the Lord tells us to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute you (Matthew 5:44). I added in being consistent about praying for him because you see the fruit of your prayers when you constantly sow into whatever area you are praying for and diligently seek God about it.
The healing power of the Lord is amazing and I will only give Him the glory as to how I am writing this post to inspire and encourage others in this area. You all better take a moment and thank God for having a sound mind because 3 years ago I was tormented by negative thoughts. I couldn't even get them out of my mind and have a normal day without thinking about what I had been through and all the toxic things my ex spoke over me and towards me. I attest to the power in Jesus Christ and His ability to deliver and heal!!!
Regardless of what I've been through it was God who kept me. I ran around using my ex as the reason for my horrible decisions and my trust issues. This made it really easy to be bitter because I was having so many mental and emotional problems I would have never imagined. These  problems were deeply rooted in my soul and it wasn't something that can easily have been looked over. It affected every area of my life whether I wanted to admit it or not. I continued to pray about it and it took a breakthrough at an all-night church service to cry out to Him and truly be delivered. Mind you, I wasn't even saved!!! I just knew who Jesus was but I didn't no Him personally nor did I surrender my life to Him.
He still delivered me. Oh how He loves me. Well back to the point lol, after I got saved I understood the importance of praying for those who hurt us. It's so hard once you think about it so don't think about it, Just do it!!! God will reward you and unforgiveness and bitterness will no longer be a stronghold in your life.
Spiritual growth takes time and it's so great to take a moment and notice how far the Lord has brought you. Thinking back about this throughout the night I noticed how much the love of Christ has changed my life. I started thinking about continuing to praying for my ex, how amazing it would be if he were to one day come to Christ, be made new, repent of his sins, be a man after the Lord's heart and one day we could talk about how Christ truly transformed our lives. I would love for him to know who Christ is because without Jesus... man, without Jesus, what is life?! I have no desire to ever be with my ex ever again for any days of my life living, just wanted to make that clear, but once you get to know the love of Christ you begin to think on things that are pure, right, & praiseworthy..... (Phil 4:8).
Never would I have ever thought that I would make it to this point. I honestly would pray to God because I knew it wouldn't be worth it to do anything to get him back. I wanted God to sock it to him really good! "Get him one good time God!" I would think to myself, but that's not pleasing to God at all. It's not even His wish that any shall perish (2 Pet 3:9) so I had to change my prayers and my way of thinking. You can't pray for your enemy only because vengeance is the Lord's. NO NO NO! That's not good enough. You pray so that this person can no longer control your life, this person can will no longer stand between you and your blessings, this person will not keep you from being in fellowship with Christ, and most importantly, because it's the right thing to do. It's honorable and God tells us to do it. You will find the layers of hurt, pain, guilt, shame, and all negativity be peeled off and dissolved. God will start fixing your heart and allowing you to live a life that exemplifies His love. Satan will no longer keep you back by using this person to stunt your growth! It's truly an amazing thing and I pray that we all come into the fullness of Christ's love and we will live a life pleasing to Him by always following His word and blessing those who persecute us. It all starts by you pouring your heart out to God, confessing and admitting why you feel the way you do and just crying out to Him with your voice so that He may change your heart, your mind and your desires. Also if you know me well you know how I'm all about prayer so please, pray pray PRAY !
I just wanted to share this with you all in hopes of blessing, inspiring and encouraging you. May our glorious Father get every bit of glory from this post.
I love you all so much !


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