2 Corinthians 10:15
" Casting
down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against
the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the
obedience of Christ" (KJV)
I've been meditating on this verse for about 2 weeks and it has lead me to a few surprising things. Firstly, it allowed me to step back and do an inventory of my thoughts and the results weren't good at all. It brought me to notice how many times I have thoughts of doubt, whether it be about my capabilities or about things going according to plan to even getting caught up in past memories that open the door to self-loathing thoughts about not being worthy of the love of the Lord for making so many mistakes. However, since it has been about 2 weeks I've been changing the way I feel about my past and embracing everything it taught me. Below are a couple of specific things I've learned that I wanted to share with you all :-).
~ Whatever is told in confidence must stay between the people present of the discussion.
~ Don't answer calls/texts past 9:30 PM or stay on the phone all night when you have work/school the next day.
~ Mom is usually always right
This is stuff right off the top of my head. Hope this blesses you !
Love you All !
- Queen Desiree
I've been meditating on this verse for about 2 weeks and it has lead me to a few surprising things. Firstly, it allowed me to step back and do an inventory of my thoughts and the results weren't good at all. It brought me to notice how many times I have thoughts of doubt, whether it be about my capabilities or about things going according to plan to even getting caught up in past memories that open the door to self-loathing thoughts about not being worthy of the love of the Lord for making so many mistakes. However, since it has been about 2 weeks I've been changing the way I feel about my past and embracing everything it taught me. Below are a couple of specific things I've learned that I wanted to share with you all :-).
~ Whatever is told in confidence must stay between the people present of the discussion.
- Being part of a pretty big group of friends it was normal for us to so call "pass the word" because it's hard for everyone to be up-to-date but I learned that if someone told me something it must stay with me. No matter how big or little it may be.
~ If two friends are in an argument stay out of it.
- It's best to mind your business unless getting into it will bring the two together. Getting involved can lead you to take sides and when they make up where does that leave you?
~ Honesty is a crucial part in expressing your love.
- How can I say I love you but let you go on and make really unwise decisions? Knowing someone as a friend helps you to know how to speak the truth in love but also try your best to advise them when necessary even if it hurts. "Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses."Proverbs 27:6 (NIV).
~ Not everyone is truly your friend.
- Plain and simple.
~You can't solve everyone's problems
- We ALL need a savior and that is Jesus Christ. We can be used by him to help others but we can't try and do his job.
RELATIONSHIPS~ Don't answer calls/texts past 9:30 PM or stay on the phone all night when you have work/school the next day.
- This just truly boils down to respect and consideration. I need my beauty sleep and I have things to do so one must be considerate and mindful of these things. It goes both ways.
~ Everyone doesn't deserve a chance.
- Last time I checked I will be marrying ONE man I'm not sure why I need to date the whole world. Also, just because he likes me doesn't mean I have to date him. I'm consecrated with purpose so I need to be waiting on the man that God sends to me that will be aligned with this God-given purpose. Just saying.
~Just because he's nice doesn't mean he won't hurt you.
- I'm sure some people don't think satan is so evil when they first meet him LOL. Exaggerated statement but it's just to say that even evilness and danger may look enticing but it can lead to destruction. Test the spirits (1 John 4:1).
~Don't bend your standards for anyone.
- Before you know it you have dropped your standards and are in a relationship with someone who doesn't deserve you. The standards I speak of are like deal-breakers (must be a man of God who dies to himself daily) not something superficial like "He's gotta have a six-pack" LOL.
~If you don't like him, tell him.
- It's not fair to waste someone's time all because you don't want to hurt their feelings. Honesty is the best policy!
~If you don't see yourself marrying this person then don't get into a relationship with them.
-I see it as pointless to be getting into a relationship at this age without it having a purpose I can't stress that enough. Someone told me they wanted to date a lot of people to get experience with dealing with men so when the one comes their way they can be able to deal with him well. Everyone is different so when the one comes around you would have to get to know him personally and secondly relationships bring baggage and you can't carry it from relationship to relationship. That invites dysfunction and it can take a long time for you to be healed of your past wounds.
~If you argue more than you can converse he's probably not the one.
- Arguments are a healthy part of every relationship because everyone is different but if you're relationship is nothing but arguments then it's brings more headache & stress more than anything else. Chances are you both may not really be compatible.
~Pay attention to the warning signs.
- I cannot stress this enough. If someone shows you who they really are the first time please believe them! I believe the lovely Maya Angelou said that :-D.
FAMILY~ Mom is usually always right
- Whether I wanted to hear it or not my mom was usually right when she would speak up about situations. Ignoring her only lead to disaster later on. So sad to admit it but it's true.
~Mom knows what she's talking about.
- Just incase you missed the first one :-) LOL
~Every family has problems.
- It's inevitable but don't magnify these problems. Bring them to the Lord and do your part in keeping the peace.
This is stuff right off the top of my head. Hope this blesses you !
Love you All !
- Queen Desiree
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