A Closer Look: 8 month Consecration

My initial post about my 8 month consecration was so brief so I wanted to explain in a little more depth about what my consecration is about.

Book Reading

  1. The Bible
  2. - Most important book that I will be reading of course! I've been reading 2 chapters in Deuteronomy a day then I pick other books to read then do about 3 devotionals a day. I'm taking advantage of my break from school right now because the Lord knows when I'm in college my time is going to be more constricted so I will do as much as I can now. The Bible has got to be my favorite book by far. It's non-fiction, lacks nothing (in my opinion)  and equips me to live this Christian life. I get to know Jesus personally through the stories and be able to know what distinct characteristics he possesses. For a young lady who's trying to live her life just like her Lord and Savior, the Bible gives me all that I need in understanding how he handled situations and lived a perfect life on this Earth. I read from a NIV bible as well as my Bible app but I'm working on obtaining a study Bible.
  3. Pink Lips & Empty Hearts by Heather Lindsey
  4. - A wonderful book by the founder of Pinky Promise in which she gives a first-hand account of her life as a young lady who transformed from being a person living in the world, to a person getting to know Christ and failing to die to herself, then finally being a woman after God's own heart. She talks about marriage, courtships, backsliding, how to develop an intimate relationship with Christ, submission, and so much more. This book has been blessing me left and right every time I read it. I don't want it to end :(. Even when it does end, I know that I'll surely be reading it plenty times over. It's a wisdom-filled book which gives me drive and motivation to be that woman after God's own heart. Mrs. Lindsey is so easy to relate to and I praise her obedience for her writing this book to touch young woman all over the world.
  5. Spiritual Intelligence by Alan E. Nelson
  6. - A book that is dedicated to spiritual growth and what it's needed to be done. Mr. Alan Nelson explains how we are responsible for our spiritual growth in regards to people thinking that a pastor's teachings in bible study and at Church is enough for spiritual growth. It's not enough! We have to do our own work and it is definitely worth it. This book is amazing but shows me that I have to assess where I am and where I want to go with this consecration as well as my journey with Christ. No sugar coating!
  7. Eyes That Seen Plenty by Aaron W. Campbell
  8. - A beautiful memoir by Pastor Aaron Campbell which I just started this morning and I'm loving every bit of it! It's about his testimony and his spiritual journey.

 This isn't really a controlled part of my consecration. Sometimes I get my verses from my devotions, sometimes I get it from one of the pages on twitter that I follow which tweet scripture or just from my personal Bible reading. I like to break down the verses and read it over and over again. I ask myself what this means to me and remind myself of the truth of this verse. It's in the Bible so whatever verses written in it are personally for ME. They are here to help me along this journey. I like to write the verses down and reread it wherever I am and commit it to memory because it's easier for me to remember something after I physically write it out. I also love meditating on scripture after I have my nightly conversation with God so that I can go to sleep thinking about this truth so that I can dream about it. That may sound strange but I would love Godly dreams because my dreams are so vivid, I would love for them to be Godly more than anything else.

 Prayer Cards

 I've been doing this since November but I have index cards in which I write specific people's names on the back and on the other side I have specific prayer points on it. When I first made them I asked these individuals personally what they would like on theirs. As time went on, whenever I would be talking to them and they've expressed a concern I would depend on the Holy Spirit to remind me while I was home so I can add it to their prayer card. I would also add things that I feel like the Holy Spirit has revealed to me that I should pray for them about. I have about 30-35 now and sheesh, I have to break it up throughout the day otherwise I would never get to bed lol. Let me know if you would like one though :-). There's more other people in the world and there is only one me so it makes total sense why I spend more time praying for others than myself. Things I write include : academic and financial excellence, patience, lovely & beautiful self-portrait, future husband/wife - wo/man of God, protection, obedience, guidance of the Holy Spirit, etc.


I have daily worship sessions.  I love having my worship music which is simply the Contemporary Gospel station on Pandora and just singing and dancing to praise and worship songs. I usually end up busting out into some deep prayers because He inhabits my praise. I love love love worship time!

Quiet Time

Since my consecration, I've it my duty to have 2 quiet times a day. In the morning when I wake up and at night before I go to bed. I usually read the Word and journal about my day and what's on my mind. It's amazing how much more I'm in tune with the Spirit once I decide to spend more time with Him. Such a blessing and I thank the Holy Spirit for dropping this idea in my spirit.


I feel like I shouldn't be spending too much time on social networks as I usually do. It serves as a distraction and I'm focused on this consecration. I text people and talk to them normally which was never a distraction because it's throughout the day. It's never like I'm constantly talking to my friends so I thank God that I don't have the problem anymore. When it comes to conversing with males I haven't really communicated with them in the first place since I've made my choice to live my life as a living sacrifice in September but if anyone new was to come into my life they would have to wait to communicate with me via text or call until I'm done with my consecration. Jesus is my one and only focus. He's my spiritual husband, I wouldn't dare cheat on Him! LOL

This is pretty much a summary of my consecration. Everything is going by so so so well meaning I know the Lord is preparing me for a shake up LOL. I'm loving every moment of it. It's teaching me to be intentional about the time I spend with Him and resist temptations and distractions. Hope this post blesses you and inspires you to be intentional about spending more time with Your Father who longs and desires to have an intimate relationship with you :-)

- Devotional Desiree


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