Don't Give the Devil Too Much Credit

God has placed it on my heart to blog about this for the past 3 weeks or so but it just constantly slipped my mind. Now that I remembered and I actually have time I hope those reading this will open their minds and receive the message =D. These past couple weeks I have been a constant war with the enemy. Times I may have thought that God may have abandoned me and forsaken me and I even questioned whether God was actually for me. Thank the Lord I actually seen the true content of my situation for God gets the glory in all situations, good or bad. False accusations and tongues rose against me slandering my name but with God as my protector, fortress and my #1 cheerleader, a table was prepared before my enemies! Praise the Lord! I can just dance right now thinking about my victory for I know there are many more to come. In regards to the title of this blog post, it has come to my attention that some people take even the slightest things as an attack from the devil. Something as simple as dropping their water bottle some people may be ready to gear up and say it was work of the enemy. We are HUMAN, we do drop things and there is a such thing as gravity so it is in fact normal for you to drop your water bottle people!!! Lol. It sounds ridiculous but I’m not making any of this up.
This brings me to point out that yes we must acknowledge that 1) We must be sober and vigilant of mind for the devil is on the prowl like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:82) The devil is the father of lies for when he is lying he is speaking his native tongue (John 8:44) and lastly 3)The devil is REAL. We mustn’t not deny his existence for that is the devil’s biggest deception. In doing this you open the door to him being able to grab a hold of you! So yes we must acknowledge the devil and the things he wishes to do to us so we can stand strong in our faith and resist him because when we have the Son of God we have all things. And when we resist the devil and his temptations he must flee. The purpose of this blog post was to remind others to think logically and not attribute nonsensical things to being an attack by the enemy but just as life. If you drop something or trip a little while walking it’s just part of life. If you are protected my the Almighty Protector the Devil will never be able to harm you. Believe it people because Jesus loves you ! Continue to live a life focused on the Lord and may Blessings rain upon your life. Be blessed brothers and sisters !
-Devotional Desiree :)


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